Accommodation and other resources in Lesvos, Greece
Aeolian Gaea Hotel –
Facilities and online booking for this hotel located in Kalloni
Amfitriti Hotel –
Offers profile, gallery and reservation form of this hotel located in Molivos.
Aphrodite Hotel and Resort –
Reservation and information services for this hotel near the Eftalou hot springs; located in Molivos.
Bella Vista hotel –
Facilities and online reservation of this hotel located in Molivos. Also information about Lesvos.
Blue Star Hotels 1 & 2 –
Profile, photographs, services and contact form for these two apartment hotels located in the village of Pyrgi Thermis.
Clara Hotel –
Rates and reservations for this neoclassic hotel overlooking the Aegean; located in Petra.
Delphinia Hotel & Bungalows –
An accommodation in Molyvos.
Eftalou Hotel –
A hotel located in Eftalou.
Hermes hotel –
Facilities and online reservation of this hotel located in Molivos beach. Also information about the island.
Hotel Panselinos –
Panselinos Hotel in Lesvos is located in the north of the island, ideally situated beside the sea between picturesque Molyvos and warm baths Eftalou. We hope you enjoy your accommodation in our beautiful island.
Minimum price per night per room: 40 €
Contact us at:
Lesvos, 81108
+30 2253071905
samarigr at otenet.gr
Hoteliers Association of Lesvos –
Information on activities, hotels, sights to see, and the history of this Greek island.
Ikies Small Elegant Houses –
Facilities, gallery, online booking and contact information of these traditionally furnished villas located in Mytilene.
Imerti Resort Hotel –
Profile, services, photographs and online booking of this hotel located in Skala Kallonis.
Lassia Studios –
Family run hotel in Petra with views of the bay; includes rates, details on facilities, and contact information.
Lesvion Hotel –
Description and contact information for this B' class hotel located in the center of Mitilini town.
Lesvos Inn Resort Hotel –
Rates, facilities and online booking for this hotel in the traditional village of Thermi, near Mytilene.
Malemi Hotel –
Includes details on services, facilities, and rooms for this hotel located in Kalloni and birdwatching information.
Marilena Hotel –
Offers accommodation in Molivos; includes details on amenities, photos, and a reservation form.
Mirsini Hotel Plomari –
Facilities and online reservation of this hotel located in Agios Isidoros (Saint Isidore). With general information about Plomari and Lesvos.
Molyvos I & II Hotels –
Facilities and online bookings of Molyvos I and II hotels that are located in Molivos. Includes area information.
Mytilana Village Hotel –
Profile, services, photographs and online reservations of this hotel located in Mytilana.
Orfeas Hotel –
Facilities and online reservation of this hotel located in Mytilene.
Panselinos Hotel –
Enjoy a virtual tour or learn about the amenities at this accommodation at Eftalou in Molyvos.
Pasiphae Hotel –
Services, facilities, information about the environment and online reservation of this hotel located in Kalloni, suited for vacations and birdwatching.
Pela Hotel –
Services, facilities, information about the environment and online reservation of this hotel located in Kalloni.
Petra's Hotel –
Offers details of this hotel located in Petra; includes profile, services, gallery and contact form.
Princess Hotel and Studios –
Find rates, reservations, and room descriptions for this hotel near Mytilene and the airport.
Pyrgos Hotel –
Facilities, services and booking form of this hotel located in Mytilene.
Sandy Bay Hotel –
Includes photos of the facilities and online reservations for this hotel located in Plomari.
Sea Horse Hotel –
Includes photos, details on amenities, and reservations for this facility on Molivos' harbour.
Sun Rise Hotel –
Includes photos and a virtual tour of the facilities and online reservations for this hotel located in Molivos.
Sunset Hotel –
Prices, facilities and online reservation of this C' class hotel located near the beach in Petra.
Vicky Hotel –
Reservation, rooms descriptions, and photos of this hotel on the eastern side of Agios Isidoros Plomari.
Votsala Hotel –
Rates, facilities and online booking for this hotel in the traditional village of Pyrgi Thermi, 11 km from the old town of Mytilini.
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