Accommodation and other resources in Achaea, Greece
Antonios Hotel –
Profile, rates, facilities for this hotel located in Akrata.
Apollon Hotel –
Provides information on this hotel located in Rio, Patras; includes facilities, profile rates and contact details.
Astir Hotel –
Offers details of this hotel located in Patras; includes profile, facilities, photographs and rates.
Astir Patras Hotel –
Astir Patras Hotel is an excellent hotel in Patras and guarantees a pleasant stay for the visitor.
Minimum price per night per room: 82 €
Contact us at:
Agiou Andreou 16
Achaea, 26221
+302610 277502
astir at pat.forthnet.gr
Castella Beach Hotel –
An accommodation overlooking the water at Allissos, near Patras.
Harmony Apartments –
Provides information on these hotel apartments located in Longos; includes facilities, profile, rates, booking form and contact details.
Hotel Kanelli Beach - –
A family hotel located in Selianitika, a small Greek fishing village , by the sea and also near most important ancient sites of the Peloponesse. With information about the region, maps, facilities and prices.
Long Beach Hotel in Aigio –
Aigio Hotels:Welcome to one of the best hotels in Aigio. Book at Long Beach Hotel in Aigio, Achaia, and enjoy your stay!!
Minimum price per night per room: 50 €
Contact us at:
Loggos, Egio, Greece
Achaea, 25100
+30 26910 72196-8
melina at net360.gr
Poseidon Hotels –
Find out about these three accommodations near the center of Patra.
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